
Get Your 213 Area Code Business Phone Number in 4 Easy Steps



Securing a business phone number with the iconic 213 area code can lend a sense of prestige and local appeal to your Los Angeles-based business. The 213 area code, representing the heart of Los Angeles, carries significant weight and recognition, making it a coveted choice for businesses aiming to establish a strong presence in this bustling metropolis. Here’s a simple, four-step guide to obtaining your own 213 area code business phone number.

Step 1: Choose the Right Phone Service Provider

The first step in acquiring a 213 area code number is selecting a phone service provider that offers numbers in this area code. Various types of providers are available, each catering to different needs:

  1. Traditional Landline Providers: Companies like AT&T and Verizon offer traditional landline services. If your business relies on a physical office setup, this might be a suitable option.
  2. VoIP Providers: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, such as RingCentral, Vonage, and Nextiva, are popular choices for modern businesses. These services are typically more flexible and cost-effective than traditional landlines, allowing you to use your number on multiple devices and locations.
  3. Virtual Phone Number Providers: Services like Grasshopper, Google Voice, and eVoice offer virtual phone numbers that can be routed to your existing devices. These are ideal for businesses that want the flexibility to answer calls from anywhere without being tied to a physical phone line.

Research and compare these providers based on their pricing, features, and customer support. Ensure they offer 213 area code numbers and meet your business needs.

Step 2: Select Your Plan and Features

Once you’ve chosen a provider, the next step is to select a plan that fits your business requirements. Providers offer various plans, from basic packages to comprehensive solutions with advanced features. Here are some features to consider:

  1. Call Forwarding: Ensures you never miss a call by routing calls to multiple devices.
  2. Voicemail-to-Email/Text: Converts voicemails to text or email, allowing you to read messages at your convenience.
  3. Auto-Attendant: Provides a professional greeting and routes callers to the appropriate department or extension.
  4. Call Recording: Useful for training purposes or keeping records of important conversations.
  5. Conference Calling: Enables you to host multi-party calls, which is beneficial for team meetings and client discussions.

Evaluate the features offered and choose a plan that provides the best value for your business. Many providers also offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the plan to your specific needs.

Step 3: Choose Your 213 Area Code Number

With your provider and plan selected, it’s time to choose your 213 area code number. This step is often the most exciting, as you can pick a number that’s easy to remember and aligns with your brand. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Check Availability: Use the provider’s search tool to check the availability of 213 area code numbers. Enter keywords or digits that hold significance to your business.
  2. Select a Memorable Number: Choose a number that’s easy for customers to recall. Numbers with repetitive patterns or those that spell out words related to your business (vanity numbers) can be particularly effective.
  3. Reserve the Number: Once you find a suitable number, reserve it immediately to ensure it’s not taken by another business.

Some providers might charge a premium for highly sought-after numbers, but the investment can be worthwhile for the branding benefits.

Step 4: Set Up and Customize Your Phone System

After securing your 213 area code number, the final step is to set up and customize your phone system. This process varies depending on the provider and the type of service you’ve chosen (landline, VoIP, or virtual number). Here’s a general outline:

  1. Configure Call Routing: Set up how calls will be routed to your devices. This could include forwarding calls to your mobile phone, office phone, or other team members.
  2. Set Up Voicemail: Record a professional voicemail greeting and configure your voicemail settings, such as notifications and message storage.
  3. Implement Auto-Attendant: If your plan includes an auto-attendant, set it up with a professional greeting and menu options to direct callers appropriately.
  4. Train Your Team: Ensure your team knows how to use the new phone system and its features. Provide training on answering calls, transferring calls, and using voicemail and other features effectively.
  5. Test the System: Before going live, test the entire phone system to ensure everything is working correctly. Make test calls, check call quality, and verify that all features are functioning as expected.


Webbing a 213 area code business phone number is a strategic move that can enhance your company’s local presence and credibility in Los Angeles. By following these four simple steps—choosing the right provider, selecting the appropriate plan, picking a memorable number, and setting up your phone system—you’ll be well on your way to leveraging the prestige of the 213 area code for your business success. Whether you opt for a traditional landline, a VoIP solution, or a virtual phone number, the right choice will keep you connected and professional in the competitive LA market. Enjoy Hint Today.


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